Healing Bath Rituals

You know how April Showers bring May Flowers?  Well Winter Blues bring hot baths. I know, it does not rhyme, but what a year! 

This week in December of 2020, my son called me from his father's house not feeling well... you know when you hear your own mom's voice and you just start to cry when you don't feel good?  Yes, I still do that from time to time. I am a 40 year old baby at times! Turns out when I got the call my son had Covid, which I did not know, but kinda figured. He of course wanted his mama, so then I had it for ten days, all kinds of weird symptoms, and I lost my taste and smell! 

Essential Oils and Baths for Children 

I put my Immune Support line and many of my Winter Collection of Bath Retreats to use for myself and my son. I diffused in my living area and in my bedroom/office space. At night I used it in his room to help him sleep and to aid with his discomfort. With children, remember you do not need to use as much, although he is a strong, and very tall 100lb, 9 year old, I still do not give him adult dosages at all, as his little immune system is still developing. 

This morning I was under the weather, and woke up wide awake at 2am, so I drew a hot bath and made a salt scrub from my Breathe Bath Retreat Blend. I allowed the aromas of eucalyptus, black spruce, sweet orange and peppermint fold over me as I did a quick scrub and immersed into the hot water. With a good book and a few clementine's to boost my spirits, I did feel so much better after. It turned out my daily and sometimes two times a day bath was relieving during my Covid experience for aches, pains and overall wellbeing. 

What self-care rituals do you do?  What can I do to help?

Take care, only 9 days until Christmas, so stay positive and hopeful for the New Year.

Big Hugs,


Jennifer Langsdale