15 Amazing Ways Aromatherapy Can Help You

15 Amazing Ways Aromatherapy Can Help You

Imagine coming home after a long or intense day of work. You go inside and are instantly transported to a state of relaxation with the scent of rose geranium or...
Jennifer Langsdale
How To Use Aromatherapy for Fall Wellness

How To Use Aromatherapy for Fall Wellness

By Erin Hunter with commentary from Jennifer Langsdale After a hot, busy summer, the bugs are finally simmering down, the air is crisp, and nature is getting ready to rest....
Jennifer Langsdale
What are my credentials as a yoga teacher, and a lot more...

What are my credentials as a yoga teacher, and a lot more...

What does it mean to be certified or registered as a yoga teacher?   This is a cause for much confusion, even for me to this day. The Yoga Alliance...
Jennifer Langsdale
4 Easy Natural Stress Relief Tips to Reduce Tension & Anxiety

4 Easy Natural Stress Relief Tips to Reduce Tension & Anxiety

Release Stress Easily, for Free! Stress comes at us in many different angles, job, family, pressure on ourselves to do or not do, all the shoulds, woulds, and cants. I...
Jennifer Langsdale
Aromatherapy Made Simple Series: Aromatherapy for the Outdoors

Aromatherapy Made Simple Series: Aromatherapy for the Outdoors

  Natural Aromatherapy for the Outdoors  This can bring up with a lot of questions, like: What is effective? What is safe for my kids and me? What is safe...
Jennifer Langsdale
Spirit Reading: The Rites of Spring & Beltane

Spirit Reading: The Rites of Spring & Beltane

Beltane & The Rites of Spring Here in the Northern Midwest, Spring takes her time. The weather becomes welcoming and then slips back into winter from March through late May...
Jennifer Langsdale
H&E Aromatherapy Made Simple Series: How to Store Essential Oils

H&E Aromatherapy Made Simple Series: How to Store Essential Oils

  Simple Storage for Essential Oils Essential oils require a certain amount of care to maintain their potency. If you are a why person, I will explain the science simply....
Jennifer Langsdale
WYM Insider: Yoga & The Moon

WYM Insider: Yoga & The Moon

Understanding the phase of the moon unlocks feminine beauty in yoga & life.


Jennifer Langsdale
Bath Ritual & Aromatherapy

Healing Bath Rituals

Using my own winter collection to lift my spirits and take care of my family this week... try some immune support this winter.
Jennifer Langsdale